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Say goodbye to 2020

What a year 2020 has been! It started off quite well, and then... let's just say it's been different for students and tutors alike.

Whilst we wait for further guidance from the Government concerning what will happen for students returning to school for the spring term, many students are growing increasingly anxious about their impending exams. The Government has repeatedly stated that schools will remain open and exams in 2021 will go ahead as planned. Whether or not this is the case remains to be seen but if any advice can be offered to year 11 students it is to keep up with your studies just in case exams are cancelled again. If teachers need to provide predicted grades they will need evidence to support those grades and you can help yourself by reading the advice below.

* Ensure you put maximum effort into your work each and every time you submit a piece. Teachers know and appreciate when you put in extra effort - it doesn't go unnoticed.

* If you're having difficulties with your work, schedule or deadlines, speak to your class teacher or tutor about it. It's much better to discuss these matters and work out an agreed solution than to try to ignore it. If your teacher can help you, they will do.

* Remember to take time out to relax - it's just as important as working!

* All subjects are important but some are more important than others! To progress onto 6th form most institutions require GCSEs in maths and English so ensure you get these under your belt first. If you want to specialise in particular subjects you'll also likely need a specified grade for those subjects. And remember some courses require a minimum number of GCSE passes - typically 4 or 5.

Let's hope the 2021 is a better year than 2020.

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